09 December 2017

The Duties of the Able Seaman !

If you are Able Seaman , You must execute all orders given by Chief Officer, Officer of the Watch, and Bosun.

- Your duties are keeping the watch on bridge, at anchor, in port, cargo handling, check daily fresh water, ballast remain onboard and consumption , engage in mooring handling at forward(forecastle) or poop deck, engage in maintenance works. For specification, what will you do?
- When engage in navigation watch, you will assist for Officer on watch. Your position is on bridge. At sea, Officer of the watch can order to you steering the ship, keep look out or cleaning, switch on/off navigation
lights, not under command lights/signals. Patrol around the ship, check bilge sounding when ordered...when the ship arrives port, you must prepare flag "G" for pilot require, "H" flag, Ship registered flag, "Q" flag.hoist up flags on the Mast as required.
- When you keep the watch at anchor, you will assist for Officer of the watch. Your position is on deck or bridge. Switch on/off anchor lights, hoist anchor ball. Pay attention to all information on VHF relating to your
ship. Take care of using Whistle/Flash lights to warn for ships moving arround and near your ship. Look out Distance from your ship to others. Report in time to Officer on watch for all information on VHF relating to your ship, weather information, tide, movement of your ship.
- When keeping watch in port, you will assist to Officer on watch. Your position is at Gangway. You must hoist/lower down flag daily. Pay attention to Gangway, security of the ship, monitor person embarked/Disembarked. Report to Officer on watch or Master all informations relating to your ship or authorized persons. Switch on/off lights or flag signal for Dangerous Goods onboard or Bunkering. Adjust Mooring ropes. Take care of Fenders between ship and habour. Pay attention and warn to all crews when working on high position, overboard, in holds, welding or cutting works...
- In Cargo handling watch, you will assist to Officer on watch. Your position is arround cargo holds. You must know about kind of cargo, hold position to be loaded or discharged. For loading, cargo hold must be clean not depend on cargo loaded. Before entering in hold, it must be ventilated properly. At night, you must provide cargo lights in hold. Observe weather and close hatch covers before raining. Instruction to every body avoiding stand under the cargo stack, not to smoke in hold. When loading or discharging Dangerous cargo or flammable cargo, standby fire fighting equipments and first Aids. Before close cargo hatch cover, make sure for safety of fire prevention and not remaining any crew inside.
- When ordered to take soundings, you must know thoroughly positions of sounding holes. Normally, you should take sounding of cargo hold bilge, ballast tanks, fresh water tanks on daily. The marking of sounding holds usually marked on sounding pipes. sounding holes of cargo bilge are distributed beside the head of each cargo hold. sounding holes of ballast tanks and fresh water tanks are distributed at edge of each tank at aft part . You can refer to "general arrangement plan" or "capacity plan" posted on lobby to know corect positions of their sounding holes. As regulation, you should use particular sounding rule to take sounding of fresh water tanks. All sounding data must be record into sounding record book. There have " sounding record book of cargo bilge", "sounding record book of ballast tanks", " sounding record book of fresh water tanks" onboard.
- In operation of Mooring handling when arrival or departure, your position is at forecastle deck or poop deck. You must follow the order of Officer. Before that, you should standby heaving lines, both lines, fenders. standby for winch, and order for spray water for anchor.

- In maintenance works, you must follow Bosun. You will do maintenance off fire fighting appliances, life saving appliances, cargo gears, lubricate and grease for cranes and movable parts, chipping and painting structures and ship's hull.